
Showing posts from August, 2007

Green Tea or Black Tea?

Many of you have undoubtedly heard of the health benefits of drinking green tea. Many studies have shown that the greatness of green tea comes from the high level of antioxidants that help protect the body against cancer and heart disease. Interestingly enough, black tea (which in the last few years has been taking a back seat to green tea), appears to have more disease-fighting antioxidants than green, oolong, white or red teas according to findings presented at the recent American Dietetic Association meeting in Honolulu* (*as presented in Self Magazine May 2007 issue). The reasoning seems to stem from a long misconception that the processing removes the antioxidants and that green tea was less processed than black. The important point is that all tea gets the thumbs up from a health point of view. But take note, adding milk to your tea may block the tea’s benefits. The reason is casein – a milk protein which will bind itself to the molecules in tea and inhibit its benefits from bein

External Sources of EMF/Microwaves and how to protect your home

Ensure your home is not too close to the following external sources of EMF emissions: High voltage electrical power lines High voltage electric railway line Satellite dishes or satellite decoders that are not earthed Digital TV receptor Ensure your home is not too close to the following external sources of Microwave emissions: Mobile phone masts (base stations) Radars Local Radio communication services Local broadband services (wireless connections) How to protect your home: It is much more difficult to shield your home from magnetic and microwave fields than electrical ones because they can travel through walls. Nevertheless, there are some options out there. You can use aluminum foil on your walls (this must be heavy duty foil and needs to be earthed in order to be effective) Paint (there are certain paints available in the market place such as "Ecos" that shield against microwave emissions). Screens/nets/headnets/bed canopies: these are great for windows, over your bed an

How to keep your home EMF/Microwave safe

Having seen from previous posts how much extensive research is now available showing a clear link between compromised health and exposure to EMF's /Microwaves, I thought it would be helpful to give some guidelines around how to keep your home EMF/Microwave safe. This post will focus on things to look out for inside the home: Microwaves: Mobile phones: use as little as possible and never store it anywhere near your body (i.e. pockets, attached to belt, etc...) Microwave ovens: best option is to not have one, however if it must be used ensure you stay far away from it while it is on. DECT cordless phones: these are even more damaging then mobile phones because they are constantly emitting pulses of microwave radiation (whereas a mobile phone only does so when a call is incoming or outgoing). It is best to replace all cordless phones by regular landlines. If it is not feasible, ensure you keep these phones away from any bedrooms (keep in mind microwaves can travel very easily throug