How to keep your home EMF/Microwave safe

Having seen from previous posts how much extensive research is now available showing a clear link between compromised health and exposure to EMF's/Microwaves, I thought it would be helpful to give some guidelines around how to keep your home EMF/Microwave safe. This post will focus on things to look out for inside the home:

  1. Mobile phones: use as little as possible and never store it anywhere near your body (i.e. pockets, attached to belt, etc...)
  2. Microwave ovens: best option is to not have one, however if it must be used ensure you stay far away from it while it is on.
  3. DECT cordless phones: these are even more damaging then mobile phones because they are constantly emitting pulses of microwave radiation (whereas a mobile phone only does so when a call is incoming or outgoing). It is best to replace all cordless phones by regular landlines. If it is not feasible, ensure you keep these phones away from any bedrooms (keep in mind microwaves can travel very easily through walls), and preferably unplug from the socket when going to sleep at night.

Electromagnetic Fields:

The most important space that absolutely should be free of electrostress are the bedrooms. Your body's cells regenerate themselves while you sleep and you need to do everything you can to not compromise this process.

  1. Ensure there is no wiring under your bed.
  2. Keep a non-electronic alarm clock next to your bed
  3. Unplug any side lamps directly from the socket before going to bed
  4. Avoid having televisions and stereo systems in your room. If you can't live without it, then always ensure you unplug at the socket before going to bed (keeping it on standby has the same effect as keeping it on).
  5. There should be no computers in the bedroom.
  6. When sitting in front of a computer stay as far away from the screen as you can & consider investing in a screen filter if using a desktop.
  7. Laptop computers give off more fields when plugged into the socket, however they become much safer when operating on battery only. It is still best not to have them on your lap.
  8. Avoid using electric blankets (and always ensure you turn them off before going to bed if you are using one)
  9. Avoid having electric heaters or ovens. If there is a need to use a night storage heater it should be kept at least 1 meter away from the bed.
  10. Try to not sleep with your head near an electric socket.

I hope the above tips will help get you started on keeping your home EMF/Microwave safe. In the next post, I'll provide some suggestions for being vigilant of external causes of EMF/Microwave emissions.


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