The Importance of Breath

All body/mind techniques incorporate the use of breath with movement. In addition to the numerous physiological benefits that breathing techniques bring you - improves blood circulation, increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body, calms the nervous system – it is all the mental benefits that you shouldn’t underestimate. What benefits would these be? It is the easiest and best way to bring yourself into the present moment. By doing so, you can refocus your mind, reduce your stress and act from a centered place. It is a great mediation technique and I would encourage you to practice it regularly. Here is an easy technique to try at home (ideally before you go to bed or when you get up in the morning):
• Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes if that’s comfortable for you
• Begin to breath and count how long it takes for you to inhale and how long to exhale
• Next, try to make your inhales equal to your exhales: i.e. if it takes you 6 counts to inhale, make sure it takes you 6 counts to exhale
• Once you are comfortable with the above, then try to make your exhales 2 counts longer than your inhales. Then try this for 8-10 breaths.


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