Yoga Journal Colorado Conference Day 3 Part II

Now lets look at the second lecture I attended on Day 3 - The 4 Stages of Healing by T.K.V. Desikachar.

Desikachar has a way of lecturing that is very practical and down to earth. His talks are always full of lively examples, which clearly illustrate the goal of the lecture. In this particular one, we went over some of the objectives that Patanjali puts forth in the Yoga Sutra. Patanjali basically says: You are in trouble, identify your trouble, have a long term goal, and you will be liberated. Though Desikachar is quick to point out that it is not always so simple. The 4 stages are as follows:
  1. What are the symptoms?
  2. What is the cause?
  3. What are the goals? Pacify or Purify or both?
  4. Find the means that will serve (solution)
We need to remember though that Improvement is gradual - it is a step by step process. When you see improvement, then you begin to make changes to the means (the solution). Never forgetting that FAITH is a powerful healing tool. So part of the means should always include (if possible) helping the person connect with a symbol/person/object of faith and have them meditate on this.


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