Introducing the Yoga Sutras

The Yoga Sutra (also referred to as Raja Yoga, the Royal Yoga) is the most ancient yoga text written by Sri Patanjali which presents guidelines and practices of Raja Yoga with the goal of bringing people of all faith and traditions to attain self-realization through a step-by-step process based on real life experiences.

The text consists of 195 aphorisms divided into four chapters in which Patanjali makes concrete, detailed suggestions to help us be more respectful, resposible and peaceful towards ourselves, each other and the world as a whole.

The Yoga Sutra is divided into 3 main themes:
  1. Suffering is not caused by outside forces, but rather by our own mental perceptions; the compulsive, conditional thought processes = the Ego.
  2. The neverending peace we seek can only be found when we connect with our true identity - the seer/observer (Purusha) is who we really are. We are the formless awareness (not the Ego!).
  3. Self-Realization comes with mastering the mind.
Various practices are suggested to achieve this, and I'll be commenting on some in future blogs.


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