Is WIFI exposure bad for our health?

The theme for the blog this week will be Electromagnetic/Microwave emissions and the on going debate about whether or not they are harmful to our health.

Recently, BBC 1’s Panorama ran a show about Installing WIFIs in schools across the UK and the potential health affects associated with long term exposure to them. Here is a summary of what was discussed:

WIFI is a similar radiation emitted by mobile phones and masts (and we all know the ongoing debate about mobile phones!). Widespread WIFI usage and installations being relatively new on the scene, it is now sparking similar types of debate. What is fascinating about this program is that the UK seems to be blatantly ignoring the advice of its own appointed scientific experts with regards to the potential ill effects of being exposed to these waves. Sir William Stewart (chief scientific advisor to Margaret Thatcher, and later hired by Blair’s government in 2000 to study the effects of mobile phones and masts on health), concluded after 1 year of studies that there are some obvious links between mobile phone usage and adverse health effects. Studies conducted show that radiation emitted by mobile phones impact cognitive function, cancer risk, and cause molecular changes in cells. His recommendation then was to therefore have a precautionary approach to mobile phone usage and masts. No masts should be installed in areas where children had the risk of being exposed. Especially since tests have shown they absorb even more radiation than adults.

Powerwatch (an independent organization with a central role in the UK Electromagnetic Field & Microwave Radiation health debate), took some measurement readings at a school that recently installed WIFI. The reading in the school was 3 times higher than the mobile phone mast reading (taken at the highest emission point of the mast).

Thousands of studies were conducted on cell phone usage, and many found that there were significant health effects. Most importantly: levels of concentration drop, short term memory loss, higher cancer risk, compromised immune system, and many others.

There is still the camp that doesn’t believe there are any significant health effects from being exposed to these waves. Such as the World Health Organization who state that there are no adverse effects to long term exposure to low levels of radiation. And numerous governments turn to them for the ultimate word on health regulations.

I don’t know about you, but I certainly question what impact it’s having on my health to live in a society that is becoming more and more polluted by this invisible smog. According to experts, the safety limits for radiation in the UK (and the world) are excessively high due to the fact that they are based on the “thermal” effects of the radiation only. In other words, it is only considered harmful once it starts to heat up our organs! In my Feng Shui practice, we indicate that a safe reading for Electromagnetic fields (emitted from electrical appliances in the home or your electrical wiring) in the home should be less then 10 v/m (volts per meter), Microwaves less then 0.05v/m and Magnetic fields less then 0.2 mT (microtesla). However, if you entered a typical British home or held a meter to a mobile phone, WIFI connection or DECT phone (all emitting microwaves) you would be appalled by the readings!

Stay tuned, in the next posts I will discuss Powerwatch’s response to the criticisms received from the Panorama show, as well as ways to keep yourself and your home safe from electromagnetic fields and microwaves.


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