
Showing posts from June, 2007

Powerwatch's response to negative comments re Panorama program on WIFI - Part II

Here is the continuation to Powerwatche's defense against the criticisms received. Enjoy! 4. What we measured and how it was measured was "bad science". I believe that the science behind our measurements at the Norwich School was absolutely fine. I had put together what I though was a balanced and interesting PowerPoint presentation for the school pupils which had much of relevance for the GCSE KS4 science curriculum. Apparently, according to Goldacre, it was the teacher who decided that I was not going to be allowed to talk to the class - "I've just had to ask a BBC Panorama film crew not to film in my school or in my class because of the bad science they were trying to carry out". My presentation will soon be available from this website (we are currently attaching an audio track to it so it is more than just slides). Instead the science teacher told them about our "bad science" and showed them the Powerwatch and EMFields websites. According to Go

Powerwatch's response to negative comments re Panorama program on WIFI - Part I

Hi everyone - Given feng shui consultant's desire to help make people's living environment healthy and harmonious, I felt it important to share the criticisms that the Panorama WIFI program (see summary of program in June 4th post) received and Powerwatch's arguments for each criticism made. Due to the great amount of detail provided, this has been split into a 2 part post. Ben Goldacre's criticisms: 1. Powerwatch is not independent and campaigns to stop WiFi and promote the products of Alasdair Philips' linked EMFields products. 2. Alasdair Philips is not a suitable person to advise or take measurements. 3. The instruments used (especially the COM monitor) were unsuitable. ____________________________________________________________________ Powerwatch's Responses: 1. Powerwatch is not independent and campaigns to stop WiFi and promote the products of Alasdair Philips' linked EMFields products. Powerwatch is independent and attempts to report the science an

Is WIFI exposure bad for our health?

The theme for the blog this week will be Electromagnetic/Microwave emissions and the on going debate about whether or not they are harmful to our health. Recently, BBC 1’s Panorama ran a show about Installing WIFIs in schools across the UK and the potential health affects associated with long term exposure to them. Here is a summary of what was discussed: WIFI is a similar radiation emitted by mobile phones and masts (and we all know the ongoing debate about mobile phones!). Widespread WIFI usage and installations being relatively new on the scene, it is now sparking similar types of debate. What is fascinating about this program is that the UK seems to be blatantly ignoring the advice of its own appointed scientific experts with regards to the potential ill effects of being exposed to these waves. Sir William Stewart (chief scientific advisor to Margaret Thatcher, and later hired by Blair’s government in 2000 to study the effects of mobile phones and masts on health), concluded aft