
Showing posts from January, 2011

Benefits of Patterning in Pilates

As you may have noticed through following my Pilates classes, there is a systematic and sequential order to the exercises – even if we add some new things from class to class. This is one of the key things that makes Classical Pilates different from other mainstream Pilates classes and it isn’t without reason. Joseph Pilates intended the method to be a “movement system” linked with a specific purpose to help develop flow, endurance and stamina. When you continuously repeat exercises what you are doing is called patterning (working on sending impulses from the brain, through to the central nervous system, and then to the muscles). When you pattern the transmission of impulses from the brain to the muscles by repeating exercises over and over, the brain starts to improve its ability to recruit more muscles and you get stronger each time. The added bonus is that this same ability you acquire during class transfers over to day to day life, helping you recruit your core muscles to support y